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KROLL Crane PDF Manuals

Kroll K-10000 Tower Crane
Kroll K-10000 Tower Crane

History of Kroll Tower Cranes

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The history of the famous Danish company Kroll Cranes A/S began in 1956, which is when it was founded.

And it produced its first crane, that is, a crane of its own production, in 1958.

Developing and improving, in the 60-70s the line of cranes was significantly updated.

In addition, the Kroll company actively began to create an international network of agencies whose goal was to promote products in markets around the world.

The leading export destinations were formed by the mid-70s, namely: North America, West Germany and Scandinavian countries.

At this moment, the main focus of the Kroll company’s work is the production of cranes intended for high-rise construction.

In the 80s, a most important event took place in the company’s history – it took part in a transaction unprecedented on an international scale – the supply of 15 tower cranes.

Further, the production range of the enterprise was expanded even further and the production line already consisted of 50 cranes.

Over the years, the international distribution network has also expanded.

Today there are more than ten agency companies around the world.