History of Fantuzzi Reggiane Cranes
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The state company “REGGIANE” was founded in 1904.
Today “Fantuzzi-Reggiane” is an organic combination of the private company “Fantuzzi” with the state “Reggiane“.
The creator of the first is the famous industrialist Luciano Fantuzzi (he is currently the owner and immediate manager of the company).
Since 1960, the company has specialized in the production of reloading machines for all sectors of the economy. And since the mid-60s, Luciano Fantuzzi has focused it on the production of port equipment.
Back in 1973, at the early stage of global containerization, REGGIANE built the first quayside container crane. And in total it supplied more than 200 container cranes and cranes to many countries around the world.
In 1994, FANTUZZI bought the REGGIANE company from the state and since then, cars with the FANTUZZI-REGGIANE logo have been operating in almost all major ports of the world.
In January 2000, FANTUZZI-REGGIANE included well-known companies for the production of handling equipment and its modernization – “NOELL Crane System GmbН” or “NOELL” and ANSALDO MOVIMENTAZIONE Srl (ANSALDO, Italy).
In 2008, Fantuzzi became part of the Terex Cranes Group.